how to get sponsorships for YouTube

How to get Sponsorships for YouTube 2024 | How to get Sponsored on YouTube Best ways

Do you have a YouTube Channel and wanna get Sponsorships on it? Read this article to go through the complete steps of How to get Sponsorships for YouTube Channel

Before going into the details of YouTube Sponsorships its important for you to know what actually YouTube sponsorships are and what are its types

What are YouTube Sponsorships

YouTube sponsorships are simply a deal between youtubers and brands in which the youtubers promote the products or services of brands on their youtube channels and get paid in response.

Youtubers have subscribers who follow them and trust them so brands love to promote their products or services through their youtube channels. Many companies prefer YouTube Sponsorships over conventional Ads as they are more efficient. Sponsorships are often cheaper in cost too but the main point about sponsorships is that they are being promoted by influencers in a convenient way!

Types of YouTube Sponsorships

YouTube sponsorships can be of a few types given below

  • Product Sponsorships: in these kind of YouTube Sponsorships brands would give you their products for promoting them. For Example if there is a company selling Keyboards it may offer you to promote that keyboard and they would give you one keyboard as a reward.
  • Affiliate Sponsorships: some companies would ask you to promote their product or service and they would give you commission for each successful sale through your affiliate link. Its kind of like affiliate marketing but they might give you some money upfront
  • Paid Sponsorships: Its the most popular kind of Sponsorships where brands would give you upfront money to promote them

Prepare your YouTube Channel for Sponsorships

Obviously you are not gonna get sponsorships if your channel has very less subscribers or it is in very bad position i.e the content on your youtube channel does not impress sponsors. Here are some of the tips to prepare your youtube channel for sponsorships

Wait until you have some active Subscribers

You should have atleast 1000 active subscribers on your youtube channel before hoping to get sponsorships. Many youtube sponsorships platforms also have minimum subscriber requirements. So its a good idea to first achieve atleast 1000 subscribers and then apply for youtube sponsorships. Some youtubers might get sponsorships before 1000 subscribers but thats rare

Have Good Quality Content on your YouTube Channel

By good quality content I mean not posting anything that is illegal or violating youtube TOS.

It also means that all your videos should be originally created and not just copy pasted from other platforms. If you have your own face or voice in videos it would be easy for you to get sponsorships

Relevant Content

Keep in mind that you will only get sponsorships from companies that has product or service that matches your content. If you have a gaming or tech channel you are not gonna get sponsorship from a makeup brand (obviously that’s basic info)

Make sure that the niche of your youtube channel is clear. It means that all the videos of your youtube channel should be related to the each other. It should be clear whether your channel is a Tech channel or a gaming channel or whatever niche it lies in. Having one video related to sports and other related to finance would not help you attract sponsors

Make your Channel look Professional

Its very important for your channel to look professional to attract sponsors.

Make sure that you have proper thumbnails on your youtube videos and have a proper about section on your youtube channel. Your video descriptions should be well written and you should have your social media links and your email in the video descriptions and also in the about sections of your youtube channel. Your channel should also have a good and professional logo and a professional channel art

Also Read: Best Affiliate Marketing Programs

How to get Sponsorships for YouTube

Some of the best ways by which you can successfully find sponsors for your youtube channel are given below:

Use YouTube Sponsorships Platforms

One of the best ways to get Sponsored on YouTube is to signup for YouTube Sponsorship Platforms. Some of the best sponsorships platforms for youtube are given below

YouTube Brand Connect

YouTube BrandConnect is a platform owned by youtube itself which lets brands and creators meet. As it is youtube owned platform so its also trusted. You can easily find a sponsor for your youtube channel here if your channel is following the things mentioned above

There are some minimum eligibility requirements to join this platform:

  • you are the part of youtube partner program i.e you have 1000 susbcribers and 4000 hours of watchtime complete on your channel and has been accepted in the YPP
  • You are based in US, Canada or UK
  • You are over 18 years old
  • you have no active community guidline strike on your youtube channel
youtube brandconnect

Grapevine Village

Grapevine Village is another youtube sponsorships platform where you can find sponsorships for your youtube channel.


Artbrief is also one of the best platforms which is matching brands and creators. So you can also look into this if you want to get sponsored videos on youtube



If you don’t find yourself interested in the above mentioned platforms you can go for Scrunch

Directly Reach out to Brands

The other important thing that you can do to get sponsorships on youtube is to directly reach out to brands. This can help you especially if you are a creator with small amount of subscribers. When you are a small youtuber brands might not find you easily so its a good idea to reach out to them directly! You can do this by some of the ways listed below:

  • Email Brands: Find the emails of brands in your niche and email them directly on the behalf of your channel. you should write professional emails in order to increase your chances of getting sponsorships. This might not help you get sponsorships if you are emailing a small number of brands only. For better results you should email alot of brands. you should tell them the reasons why they should give you sponsorships
  • Contact brands on their social media accounts: You can also contact brands via their social media accounts for this purspose

Be Reachable

Give your business email in the about section of your youtube channel and in the description of your youtube videos so that brands can contact you if they find your channel interested and wanted to contact you

Read more about: Best ways to Make Money Online

How to decide Rates for YouTube Sponsored Videos

Rates for sponsored videos varies a lot depending upon a lot of different factors like:

  • The Niche of your youtube channel
  • The amount of views that you are getting on an average video
  • The quality of content on your youtube channel
  • The country from where the majority of your audience belongs to

so there is no hard and fast rule of what should be the rate of a sponsored video. The best rate simply is the one on which you and the brand you are dealing with agrees upon!

Examples of YouTube Sponsored Videos

If you are confused about how would you make sponsored videos you can watch a few examples of sponsored videos given below

David Dobrik’s video sponsoring SeatGeek

Here is an example of a YouTube video where the creator is sponsoring a brand and mentioning in the video about it. From this example you can get to know how youtube sponsored videos are made

Morgan Adams’ video sponsoring Honey

here is another example of a youtube sponsored video. In this youtube Morgan Adam is sponsoring Honey

OKbaby’s video sponsoring HelloFresh

This is an example of OKbaby’s channel sponsoring HelloFresh in his video

Bored Progression’s video sponsoring GoPro

This is an example of Bored Progression’s video sponsoring GoPro

Thomas Frank’s youtube video sponsoring Notion

Here is an example of thomas frank’s video sponsoring Notion.


I hope that you would have understood everything about sponsored videos and How to get Sponsorships on YouTube. These examples must have added some value in it and now you know you to get started

I hope that this article would help you alot and must comment down below after getting sponsorhip on your youtube channel

If you have any queries related to this topic comment down below. Finanzerr would be pleased to help you! 😊


How much subscribers should I have to get Sponsorships?

There is not any minimum amount of subscribers that you need to get sponsorships on youtube. But if you have atleast 1000 subscribers or more you can get sponsorships comparatively easy

How much would I get paid for Sponsored videos

Well this depends on alot of factors but you might be able to get $10 for every 1000 subscribers on your channel and even more in some niches

Do subscribers dislike sponsored videos

If you are sponsoring products or services that is in your niche, your subscribers would not dislike it

Should I tell my subscribers that this is a sponsored video

yes you should definitely tell your subscribers that the video is sponsored. You should maintain trust

Would sponsoring a video affect my ranking in youtube

No, sponsoring a video would not affect your youtube channel at all if you are sponsoring brands related to your audience

How to find the emails of brands

You can find the emails of brands from their websites or social media accounts

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