How to make money from youtube

How to Make Money from YouTube in 2024 | Best Ways to Make Money from YouTube

Want to know about the best ways to make money from YouTube? we got you covered! In this article we are going to discuss about the top ways you can use to make money from youtube.

YouTube is the biggest video sharing platform in the world. It is also the second largest search engine in the world. People come to YouTube for alot of different purposes like entertainment, learning etc. But why do youtubers publish videos on youtube? Its because they are getting paid!

If you have used youtube only for watching videos, you might not be aware of the fact that youtubers actually make money by uploading videos.

But what are the top ways you can use to make money from youtube? here they are:

1. YouTube Partner Program

One of the best and the simplest ways to make money from youtube is by joining the youtube partner program. When you join the youtube partner program, you actually link your YouTube channel to google adsense and it will start showing ads on your channel.

when people come to view your youtube videos there are actally ads placed in the video and they will watch ads before, in the middle or after the video. So you will make money when people watch ads and click on it.

On average YouTube pays around $1 to $10 per 1000 views on your videos but it can actually vary alot depending on the factors like:

  • The Country from where the people are watching your videos
  • The type of content that you are publishing
  • The CTR (Click through Rate) on your videos

How to Join the YouTube Partner Program

YouTube has the following requirements before you actually apply for the YouTube Partner Program

  • Atleast 1000 Subs on your YouTube Channel
  • 4000 hours watchtime on your channel in the last 12 months
  • Live in a country where YPP is available
  • Have NO community guidelines strike on your channel
  • 2-factor authentication enabled

Now you can also join YPP if you have 10 Million views on YouTube Shorts

Read the official article on YouTube partner program overview and eligibility

2. Sponsorships

One of the other best way to make money from YouTube is my creating sponsored videos. There are many companies who pay youtubers to make sponsored videos.

All you have to do is to find companies or brands that are related to your business and you can have a deal with them based on your viewership and the type of content

When your channel is big enough, brands will contact you themselves but when you have small number of subscribers you will have to contact them yourself

You can read out our detailed article on How to get Sponsorships for YouTube

3. Affiliate Marketing

You can make money from youtube by promoting products from Amazon, Click Bank and CJ Affiliate and ton of other affiliate marketing platforms

These affiliate marketing platforms will pay you specific commission per conversion.

You can mention different products or services in your videos that are related to your audience and can give your affiliate link to that product in the description of your video. Now when people buy that product or service from your affiliate link you will earn a specific commission

You can read our detailed article on the Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms

4. Channel Memberships

YouTube also has a channel membership option for eligible youtubers

When your channel is eligible for memberships you can set specific subscription amounts that your biggest fans will pay you monthly and in return they would get access to exclusive content, badges and other perks from you

You can set different subscription amounts for different fan levels.

For Example: Your one subscription plan can be of $5 and the other can be of $50 and they can have different features

For details you can watch the following video from the official YouTube channel about memberships

Also read: How To Start YouTube Cashcow Channel

5. YouTube Premium

YouTube premium is a feature by youtube which lets viewers watch videos on youtube without ads by paying a monthly fee. Its kind of like Netflix.

As the viewers don’t watch ads so in this case you wont be paid for ads, you would be paid based on the amount of watchtime that you get from these premium viewers.

You would not have to do anything further for this but this is an extra source from where you can also get paid. The more these premium viewers watch your content the more you will get paid for the share

Also read: How to Make Money on Instagram (10 Proven Ways)

6. Super Chat

YouTube also has a feature of super chat in your live streams. When you go for a live stream, your viewers can pay you for chats that stand out. As these chats are paid, they are highlighted in the comments and can get creator’s attention easily

Your viewers can pay from $1 to $500 for super chats. YouTube takes 30% of that amount and you get the remaining 70%.

This is one of the best and easiest ways to make money from youtube. All you have to do is to do entertaining or productive live streams regularly and you will start seeing that your fan base is growing.

This is specially a very good option for gaming youtube channel to make money from live streams

You can watch the following video for reference:

7. Merchandise

Merchandise is another way to make money from youtube.

YouTube has a built in option for merchandise. When eligible, you can actually integrate your teespring (now Spring) store in youtube and can sell your merch directly from your youtube channel.

You can consider selling the following things in your merch:

  • T-Shirts
  • Mugs
  • Caps
  • Hoodies
  • Stickers

Your loyal fans would definitely love to buy your merch!

Consider watching the following video from official YouTube Creators channel to get more details about merchandise selling from your youtube channel


So these were the top and the best ways to make money from youtube.

No doubt that youtube is a tough game and you must be working hard to make money from youtube right? But having a single stream of income from youtube is not a good idea at all, when you can add tons of other methods to make money from youtube!

Adding more streams of income will definitely multiply your income

If you have any further confusions or queries feel free to contact Finanzerr!

Also read: How To Make Money On YouTube Without Making Videos


how many subscribers do you need to make money youtube?

You can start making money from youtube when you have atleast 1000 subs on your channel.
You can still make money from different ways even if you don’t have 1000 subscribers but for youtube partner program 1000 subs and 4000 hours watchtime are compulsory

how much money does 1 million youtube views make

1 million youtube views can make anywhere from $1000 to $10,000 on average. But it is just an average. There are youtubers who make less then $1000 per million views and on the other hand there are youtubers who even make above $20,000 per million views! So it varies alot depending on the country from where your audience is and depending on your content type

Do YouTube Shorts make money?

Yes, YouTube has recently enabled monetization for shorts too. which means now you can also make money from your shorts videos. But you will first have to join the youtube partner program

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