How to Make Money with AI Tools

How to Make Money with AI Tools | Best AI Tools to Make Money Online in 2024

If you are familiar with AI you must have listened a lot about it replacing the jobs or the fears that it would replace a lot of jobs in the near future. But in today’s article, we will discuss how to make money with AI tools. While Ai is replacing a lot of jobs and automating a lot of tasks, at the same time it is also creating a lot of opportunities to make money.

1. ChatGPT

Number 1 on our list is ChatGPT. You all must be familiar with it now. It is one of the best Ai tools to make money online in 2023. It is a chatbot developed by OpenAi which is based on Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning Technology. Basically what it does is it takes text input from users and performs tasks in the form of text in response to that. You can use it to do many things like writing emails, letters, product descriptions, social media content, and a lot more.

How to make money using ChatGPT

Below are some methods you can use to make money using ChatGPT.

Email Marketing Services

You can write effective emails using chatgpt and can give email marketing services to your clients

Product Descriptions

You can write effective and professional product descriptions using chatgpt and can provide freelance services related to product descriptions to make money online


It’s one of the highest-paying professions nowadays. You can write effective copies by giving appropriate prompts to chatgpt.

Simple Coding

If You are from a programming background you can use chatgpt to develop simple tools in a very short time and you can sell them on different platforms

Develop Chatbot apps: You can also use it to develop chatbot apps and can make money from it

Click here to read our detailed article on The Best Ways to Make Money from Chatgpt

2. Scribe

Scribe is a Chrome extension that allows you to create online courses, masterclasses, and tutorials. You can create your own courses very effectively and easily using this tool and then you can sell them on platforms like Udemy and Coursera. You can also create your courses for YouTube.

Ways to make money using Scribe

  • Make your digital Courses and sell them
  • Make your courses for YouTube
  • Offer content creation services to individuals and businesses

3. Durable

Durable is yet another amazing Ai tool that will help you develop your own website in a few seconds. You just have to enter the type and the name of your business and it would develop a professional website for you in seconds.

Durable also offers you domain and hosting services if you buy their package. You can also run Google ads campaigns from it which would definitely boost your marketing.

How to make money using Durable

Offer web development services

You can easily create websites using this Ai technology and can offer web development services to individuals and businesses on Fiverr and other freelancing platforms

Marketing Services

You can offer marketing services to clients and can also open your own digital marketing agency using this Ai tool.

Ad generation Services

You can use Durable for writing Google ads. You can give these services to individuals and businesses

4. Jasper Ai

Jasper Ai is one of the most popular and powerful Ai tools that can write good quality content for blogs and other purposes. It can write both long-form and short-form content very effectively. It also has a feature that you can use to generate very high-quality images. It has the following features which make it one of the best Ai tools to make money online

  • It’s cost-effective
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Generates high-quality content
  • Generates high-quality images
  • Boosts ad conversion with better copy and so on

How to make money from Jasper AI

You can use Jasper AI in multiple ways to make money from it

Selling AI art

You can create very impressive high-quality images with jasper AI and can sell them on different images selling platforms.

Write blog posts

You can write effective blog posts with jasper AI and then you can use these blog posts for either your blog or can offer services to different individuals and businesses online

Write ad copy

You can successfully run your digital marketing agency with the help of jasper AI as it can help you to write ad copy for your marketing campaigns. You can give these services to other people as well

Tim Harris YouTube Video

Here is a video from Tim Harris YouTube channel where he explained about making money from Jasper AI.

Video from Tim Harris Video AI YouTube channel.

5. Boomy

Boomy is another AI tool that lets you create original songs of your own style even if you have no previous experience in that field. It uses AI technology to create songs of your selected genres and preferences.

Most of the boomy users have no prior experience in developing songs. You just have to select your genres and some other preferences and boomy will show you its magic!

You can make your songs with a diverse range of themes and genres and can also edit it according to your needs.

How to make money from Boomy

Sell Music

As you can create your own music with the help of boomy, there are some platforms where you can publish your music to make money from it like Soundcloud, Spotify and iTunes

Offer Music Composition

You can create music for games, films and other productions and can make money from it

6. Stockimg.AI

Its another great AI tool that can help you generate quality-images for your projects and businesses.

It comes with a lot of options for generating professional images for posters, wall papers, logos etc. to meet your projects needs.

You just have to give text prompts to this AI tools and it will generate images for you according to your specific needs very fast. It also has customization options to make your images according to your specific needs.

How to make money using Stockimp.AI

Sell digitals arts

You can create professional arts and images with this AI tool and can sell them on different image selling sites. If companies like your arts they will buy them and you will make money for that

Make your stock photos website

You can create amazing images with this AI tool and then you can also make your own photos stock website. It is one of the best ways to make money with the help of AI.

7. Magic Eraser

This AI tool is used to remove undesired things from your photos and thus it can be a very useful tool to make money online by providing different photo editing and photo retouching services.

How to make money from Magic Eraser

Offer photo editing services

You can offer different photo editing services on platforms like fiverr, upwork and others. You can easily edit photos with this powerful AI tool

Provide photo retouching services

You can offer different photo retouching services like removing undesired or unwanted things from the photos. If you use this tool effectively you can make money from it very easily.


So these were some of the AI tools that can help you make money online. There are also many other AI tools which you should look into.

AI opens a lot of opportunities for freelancers and entrepreneurs to make money online. With the development of latest AI tools making money is becoming easier and easier as a lot of things are being automated.

So without further wasting your time, start working right now!

If you have any queries feel free to ask. Finanzerr is always here to help you! 😊


What are the best AI tools to make money

Following are some of the best AI tools to make money online
1. ChatGPT
2. Scribe
3. Durable
4. Jasper AI
5. Boomy
6. Stockimg.AI
7. Magic Eraser

Is it easy to make money using AI

While it is comparatively easier to make money with the help of AI, you should keep in mind that you would still have to follow a proper road map to enable yourself to make money using AI

Is it actually possible to make money using AI

Yes, it is possible to make money with the help of AI but you would have to follow a proper pathway for that

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